Earth4Energy Review

Here's how I came to write this Earth4Energy review.
As you know, a lot more people are investigating solar and wind power for use in their homes, both for financial and environmental reasons.
One option is to purchase a commercial system and have it professionally installed.
This works quite well, but some people wonder if they can reduce the overall cost by making their own system. Obviously, the lower the cost of a system, the shorter the payback time will be.
Since people know that I'm interested in alternative energy a lot of them have asked me about Earth4Energy, which is a course available over the Internet that claims to teach you how to construct both a wind powered generator and a solar panel system for under $200 each and produce up to 80% of the energy that you need for your home.
When I first heard about it, I thought that it sounded a little bit too good to be true and I didn't look into it any further.
However, after being asked about Earth4Energy a dozen or more times I decide to buy it, take a look at it myself and write an Earth4Energy review.
Here's what I found…

Components of the Earth4Energy Course
To begin, the course is a digital product, meaning that is available immediately when you order. It consists of both written manuals and a series of video recordings. A number bonuses are included as well.
The first thing I did was to look through the manual.
It is clearly written and has plenty of illustrations. I was glad to see that it began with a section on the importance of energy conservation as part of an overall home energy program.
Solar Panel Instructions
The section on solar panels began with a short and simple explanation of how solar panels work. Then the author explains the various components needed for home photovoltaic system.
It started with the simplest system consisting of a solar panel, a charge controller to control the rate of battery charging, a deep cycle battery, and a power inverter to convert direct current from the battery to alternating current that can be used to run the standard appliances.
Then it described and illustrated progressively more complex systems, such as ones that would be used to power a home that's completely off the grid with without generator backup or one that is integrated onto a standard power grid.
I found the explanations and illustrations very clear and easy to understand. The author clearly explained the function of each component of each system. They were both schematic diagrams and actual photographs of each component.
If you purchase the individual components you can easily construct a small-scale system on your own to use for something like powering a refrigerator or another individual appliance.
Large-scale systems are a bit more complex but still doable. However you'll definitely need an electrician if you intend to integrate your home system with a commercial power grid.
For the real do-it-yourselfer, the next section shows you how to construct your own solar panel. The author gives several excellent sources for free or inexpensive solar cells that you can combine yourself to make a solar panel.
Keep in mind that some of the free solar cells are often slightly damaged and may require some repair. They also may not work at full efficiency, but since they are free that's less of a consideration. However it obviously takes more time to repair a used solar cell them to work with a new one.
In my opinion, making your own solar panels from used solar cells is really for the hobbyist or a small trial system rather than for someone who wants to use photovoltalics on a large scale (unless you're on a very limited budget).
The course comes with videos illustrating the construction of a solar panel. Although the illustrations and descriptions in the manual were very clear, the videos are an excellent supplement.
Wind Power Instructions
The section on wind power follows much the same outline. It explained complements of the system, gave some tips on where to find them inexpensively and then showed step-by-step how to build your own wind turbine at home.
Again, one of the better aspects of the information given is its practicality.
For example, the author lists several possible sources for free or inexpensive deep cycle batteries that you need to store energy with either a wind or solar powered system. (These batteries are much different than the usual 12 V batteries we see in cars.) He also shows you how to make efficient blades for the windmill from a length of PVC pipe.
Manual concludes with a general discussion about other possible sources of energy and energy policy. I have to say that I disagree with the authors fairly positive position on ethanol from corn as a fuel alternative (I don't think it's good idea myself) but overall the section was well reasoned and informed.
I like the fact that the author ended on a positive note. I think there's too much doom and gloom in the world today, especially when it comes to our energy future. I have more faith in humanity's creativity than the pessimists seem to have. We may not have all the answers today but we're well on our way to developing them.
I may not share the author's view on ethanol, by do share his optimism.
The Bottom Line On Earth4Energy
All in all, Earth4Energy is a good program for the handy do-it-yourselfer. Whether or not you should get depends on what you're looking for.
If you want inexpensive way to try out using solar wind power, this is a good way to go.
If you're committed to energy independence and have an extremely limited budget, this course is an excellent value. Even if the only thing you did was use the author's advice for getting deep cycle batteries inexpensively the course would easily pay for itself.
I also think either the photovoltaic or the wind generator would be a great way to power a small camp or vacation home. The solar panel would even be practical on a recreational vehicle.
On the other hand, I think you’ll be disappointed if you expect to fully power a large home with appliances such as air conditioners and freezers with a system that you put together for less than $200.
One other thought that came to my mind as I was going through the material is that it could make a good school science project, especially with the interest people have in alternative energy these days.
The caveat here is that some adult oversight is mandatory. The systems generate a significant amount electric current and the deep cycle batteries can be dangerous if they are improperly connected.
If you want to find out more about Earth4Energy you can follow the link below.

When I bought the program there was a sale going on so it was a real bargain. I'm not sure what prices selling for now, but one thing to keep in mind is that it comes with an excellent guarantee. Basically you can use program full 60 days and if not satisfied you can easily get a 100% refund.
The program is provided through a third-party source called Clickbank. If you're not familiar with it, click bank is a service that takes care of the delivery and payment collection for producers of digital product.
The benefit of buying a product through Clickbank is that they maintain high quality standards and they're the ones who issue refunds when necessary. This means claiming a refund really is no hassle.
I've bought several Clickbank products and I've been very pleased. I did claim a refund for one, not because it was a poor product but because it just wasn't what I was expecting. Getting my money back was absolutely no hassle so I have no problem recommending dealing through Clickbank.
So if you think you might be interested in Earth4Energy, go ahead and order it with the knowledge that you can get your money back if it turns out not to be right for you.
I hope this Earth4Energy review has helped you make up your mind.
All the Best,
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